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Health Promoting School
St Colm's High School is a Health Promoting School which recognises the important role it plays in promoting positive physical, social and emotional well-being. The school is committed to providing and promoting an environment in which every pupil has access to curriculum, opportunities and resources that will lead to healthy choices.
The School Nutrition Action Group is a school-based working group with representation from staff, parents, pupils and caterers supported where appropriate by relevant health professionals. In consultation with the Principal they manage the review of the whole school food/lifestyle provision and move forward improvements and initiatives to promote healthier eating/lifestyle throughout the school.
Initiatives in place
We have a whole school healthy eating/lifestyle policy which identifies the schools approaches to the promotion of health.
The New Nutritional Standards for school lunches and other food in schools (DENI 2008) are fully applied to all school meals. A wide variety of healthy meals and drinks are available at break and lunch times. Water is available freely in the canteen and pupils are also encouraged to drink water in class.
Home/school links are established and encouraged. Year 8 parents receive information on healthy school lunches and are kept informed by letter on changes impacting on their child.
The school council help to drive forward improvements in relation to healthy eating/lifestyles by voicing the opinion of the student body in relation to these areas.
A healthy lifestyles theme is taught collaboratively across all subjects in year 9.
The school has an annual healthy lifestyles event which hosts a wide range of health organisations providing information and advice on a range of health issues.
Effective community links
Click on Links Below
New Nutritional Standards for School Lunches
Are you packing a healthy lunch? (Information Leaflet)