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Health & Social Care
Health and Social Care can be studied at both GCSE and A Level.
Key Stage 4
GCSE Health and Social Care aims to give pupils an insight into the health care industry and develop an interest in the health, social care and early year’s sectors. Pupils learn about concepts of health and well-being, growth and development, factors that affect health and well-being, different types of healthy and unhealthy relationships and organisations that support families and individuals. This course provides an excellent foundation for further studies in this area, for vocational training and employment.

Exam Board: CCEA

AS/A2 Subject Overview
Key Stage 4
At A level pupils have the opportunity to study single award (6 units over the two year course) or double award (12 units over the two year course). The course aims to develop skills, aptitudes and values for employment in the health, social care and early years sectors. The applied nature of the course allows pupils to visit settings and speak to healthcare practitioners and service users in order to reinforce their learning. They develop knowledge and understanding relevant to nursing, allied health professions, social sciences, social policy, social work and early years.
Exam Board: CCEA

Career Opportunities
Healthcare is the fastest growing job sector. An extensive range of careers exist in the Health, social care and early year’s sectors for example, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, radiography, speech therapy, midwifery, health visiting, nursing, social work and teaching.
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