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Through studying this specification, students gain knowledge and understanding of:
diversity, social inclusion, rights and responsibilities;
the role of government and non-governmental organisations in protecting people’s rights;
democratic institutions and processes;
how to maximise physical and mental health and well-being;
relationships and sexuality;
to be a discerning consumer;
the impact of globalisation on employment;
recruitment and selection procedures;
the work environment; and
the social responsibility of businesses.

This course provide students with the skills they require to think independently, make informed decisions, and take appropriate action when faced with personal, social, economic and employment issues.
KS3 Subject Overview
Learning for Life and Work (LLW) is central in helping young people develop the fundamental skills, knowledge, qualities and dispositions that are prerequisites for life and work.
LLW is a key component that allows for closer links between the curriculum and developing skills and capabilities necessary for life and work.
LLW allows young people to engage in a relevant curriculum that:
helps them develop as individuals and members of society;
delivers the skills and capabilities needed for adult life and work;
helps them cope with the changing global economy; and
helps them learn how to make informed choices.
KS4 Subject Overview
Our revised GCSE in Learning for Life and Work engages students in exploring social, personal, economic and employment issues. Topics include diversity and inclusion, causes of conflict, human rights, social responsibility, job interview preparation and entrepreneurship. Students deepen their understanding of the connections between local, national and global issues. The specification helps students to develop confidence in thinking independently about these issues by critically challenging accepted views and assumptions. It equips them to make informed decisions and take appropriate courses of action.
This specification also provides students with transferable skills such as creative thinking, analytical problem solving and effective teamwork.
Exam Board: CCEA

Career Opportunities
A qualification in Learning for Life and Work can lead to careers in banking, retail, marketing, research, human resources and small business, and to self-employment opportunities for those who are more entrepreneurial.