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St.Colm’s High School Draperstown Enchants Audiences with Magical Production of "Beauty and the Beast"
From the 26 to the 29 November the streets of Draperstown were filled with enchantment and wonder as St.Colm’s High School brought...

Harvest Mass
Rev Fr McCaul, our school Chaplain, led the year 11 pupils, staff and the whole school community in our annual Harvest Mass today in the...

Maths Week Ireland Mega Quiz
Well done to our Year 8 pupils who took part in the Maths Week Ireland Mega Quiz. All year 8 pupils worked in collaboration to solve...

Math's Week
Mr McGurk’s Year 8 Math's class, 8C, were using Izak 9 today to study Prime numbers, as part of Math's week in school.

KS3 Sports Prizegiving
St. Colm's KS3 Sports Prizegiving 2024 Following on from a very successful KS3 Sports Day, St. Colm's had their annual...

Go Global Project
The group will travel to Boston for a total of 7 days in July. During this time they will be linking with Boston YMCA to support with...

Thank a Teacher Day
St Colm’s High School celebrated Thank a Teacher Day by holding a special assembly to present Mrs Michelle Belaid her Bronze Award in the...

Camino de Santiago
113 km later...... We have completed Camino de Santiago

Dofe Award
Saturday morning at 8.00am, fifteen young people from St. Colm's departed for the Mourne mountains to complete their Dofe award. Parents...
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