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School Policies
Assessment Policy
Assessment is the process by which we come to know the pupils, their attitudes, understanding and skill
We believe that assessment is integral to effective teaching and learning and is most effective when undertaken in consultation with the child
Assessment, recording and reporting together constitute vital communication channels between members of the school community, pupils, parents and teachers
The purpose of assessment, recording and reporting at St. Colm's High School is to:
Plan future learning and secure progress in learning
Demonstrate progress in learning
Celebrate achievement
Contribute to the school's evaluation processes
Provide information for pupils, parents and teachers
Fulfill statutory requirements
Every child has a profile of personal achievements
Assessments are built into schemes of work and shown in teacher planning
We use assessment to plab future learning activities as far as possible in conjunction with the pupil
Teachers keep manageable portfolios of assessment evidence. These are transferable
Regular meetings/communications between parents and class teachers keep parents involved in assessment
SMT review the Assessment Policy and Procedures on an annual basis.
Homework Policy
Homework is considered by St Colm’s High School to be an indispensable part of school policy and an essential element in the learning process. It is also seen as a vital communication link between home and school
Homework should not be contrived, but rather it should be a meaningful and useful exercise reinforcing learning outcomes
Purpose of Homework
To reinforce, consolidate, complete work started in class
To encourage students to recall and use important facts and skills developed in class
To encourage students to work independently
To promote good study skills i.e. students use time properly to cover all subject areas set for homework
To assess what students have actually learnt and understood in class
To revise for internal and external exams
To complete coursework as part of an ongoing assessment
Supported Study/Homework
The library and computer suites remain open until 4.15pm for additional study/homework, on three evenings per week. The supervisors will seek to encourage and support all participating pupils.
Special Needs Education
The aim of Special Needs Education in St. Colm's is to support and encourage learning for pupils who have difficulties, ensuring that they have access to a full range of curricular experiences. The school promotes a philosophy of inclusion, offering equality of opportunity, with due regard to the Code of Practice on the identification and assessment of children with special Needs. The partnership with parents is a valued, integral part of the Special Needs Education in St. Colm's. There is full integration into mainstream classes for all pupils with Special Needs and the school avails of the full range of support services for those pupils experiencing difficulty.
The school is currently working towards full implementation of SENDO.
N.B. Detailed policy documents are freely available on request from the School Office.